I got a problem with Project Build Plugin, it creates new pvm all the time.

do we have any option like redeploy=true to skip create new pvm?

Thank you,


asked 09.01.2020 at 02:49

docvominh's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 09.01.2020 at 04:24

Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

Reguel Werme... ♦♦

New PMVs will be automatically created if the version of your artifact in 'pom.xml' (Deployment) differs from the one deployed. Whenever you deploy a higher version the engine will also introduce a new PMV.

In 7.0 one has to carefully maintain version of projects an be aware that it influences PMV versioning on the remote engine. And indeed, this is a show stopper if you prefer a strict maven versioning concept using released versions. Therefore, you have to find a compromise, e.g re-package your IAR for deployment or work with SNAPSHOT artifacts.

However, with 8.0 LTS the developer has full control over the remote versioning: https://developer.axonivy.com/doc/latest/engine-guide/administration/deployment.html#versioning

Just provide a deploy.options.yaml with your versioning preference and the engine will comply with it. This can most easily be accomplished via a maven parameter: http://axonivy.github.io/project-build-plugin/release/8.0/deploy-to-engine-mojo.html#deployTargetVersion


answered 09.01.2020 at 03:00

Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

Reguel Werme... ♦♦
accept rate: 70%

edited 09.01.2020 at 04:23

Great, thank you very much :)

(19.02.2020 at 04:03) docvominh docvominh's gravatar image

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Asked: 09.01.2020 at 02:49

Seen: 10,640 times

Last updated: 19.02.2020 at 05:35