A customer wants to store the log informations additional to a database. This should be possible with log4j - do you have any inputs to this?

Best regards, Sven

asked 17.09.2019 at 02:16

skilchenmann's gravatar image

accept rate: 33%

This is possible but as we have an old Lof4j I would not do it directly with the logger, because this would really slow down your system. In my opinion it is anyway better just to use the log file as interface and put it form there to the database. The best tools out there is may be Logstash with Filebeat and Elasticsearch, see: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/logstash/current/advanced-pipeline.html

Sadly we have not a running example for that now, if someone has, please share it with us and we could do a docker example with Ivy, Logstash, Filebeat and Elasticsearch. See other examples on guthub.


answered 17.09.2019 at 05:07

SupportIvyTeam's gravatar image

SupportIvyTeam ♦♦
accept rate: 77%

So would you update log4j within version 8?

(17.09.2019 at 07:26) skilchenmann skilchenmann's gravatar image

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Asked: 17.09.2019 at 02:16

Seen: 1,680 times

Last updated: 17.09.2019 at 10:20