Dear ivyteam

According to the documentation we can configure additional behaviour for the automatic deployment with a deploy.options.yaml file. Our package currently looks as follows:

In the yaml files we configured properties like fileFormat: EXPANDED. Unfortunately this did not work and the iars were deployed packed. Only after we added a deploy.options.yaml file to the zip the iar were deployed expanded. Is this expected behaviour? The documentation is not very clear about that. (We're using ivy 7.1.x by the way)

We would like to have a yaml file per iar as the target version may be different for each iar. Is this supported?

Best regards, Lars

asked 05.02.2019 at 12:04

Lars%20Tuchel's gravatar image

Lars Tuchel
accept rate: 60%

Looks like a forgotten use case to me.

We intended the deploy.options.yaml to live only in the root artifact to deploy. So if you deploy an single IAR, it is used for this IAR. If you deploy a whole it is used for all projects within this zip. So we did not think that a project within the need different deploy.options than the other projects that contribute to the app. But i think you should open an issue for it, if you need that feature.

The open question is why you rely on expanded project files at all. We only introduced this flag for legacy compliance. If you are drafting a new App right now, you should get rid of the code that needs an expanded project. In most cases code that relies on plain API causes the issues and could be easily transformed into Input-/OutputStream read/writes.


answered 12.02.2019 at 02:46

Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

Reguel Werme... ♦♦
accept rate: 70%

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Asked: 05.02.2019 at 12:04

Seen: 1,491 times

Last updated: 12.02.2019 at 02:46