Oracle has decided that they will no longer will publish Update/Bug Fixes/Security Fixes for JDK 8 for free after January 2019. If you want such Update Release after January 2019 you have to buy support from Oracle.

Moreover, Oracle will only publish free update releases for JDK 11 for at least 6 months. After the 6 months you can have update releases only if you buy support from Oracle.

What does this mean for my Axon.ivy Engine? Do I need to pay for Oracle support now or are there other possible solutions that AXON Ivy suggests?

asked 21.12.2018 at 09:02

andreas_balsiger's gravatar image

accept rate: 60%

edited 25.04.2019 at 02:45

Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

Reguel Werme... ♦♦

The answer to this question depends on what Version of the Axon.ivy Digital Business Platform you are using and on what technology your projects are based on. Let's sum up everything in detail as followed:

Where we use Java

Axon.ivy Engine:

  • Windows: Currently Oracle JRE 8 is bundled. Smoke tested with version 7.0.6 and OpenJDK 8u172-b11 from AdoptOpenJDK.
  • Linux: No bundled JRE. Works with OpenJDK bundled with Linux distribution.

Axon.ivy Designer:

RIA Client Technology (based on WebStart):
Java WebStart is not included in OpenJDK. It is only available in Oracle Java. However, there is a third party project called IcedTea that provide support for Java WebStart. Windows: Tested with OpenJDK provided by AdoptOpenJDK and additionally IcedTea that have limited experimental windows support: Linux: Tested with OpenJDK bundled with Linux distribution and additionally IcedTea Plugin to support Java WebStart (Firefox only)

Axon.ivy Engine AdminUI:
The AdminUI of the Axon.ivy Engine is based on RIA Client Technology. See above. In future versions we will replace the RIA based Admin UI with another administration tool that will not be based on RIA.

Downloads / Updates

You can download Oracle JDKs here: For Java 8 it contains more functionality than OpenJDK (Commercial Features). For Java 11 those commercial features were open sourced and included into the OpenJDK.

AdoptOpenJDK is an open source project that operates an infrastracture to build, test and releases OpenJDK binaries. They will support Java 8 till September 2022. There are multiple companies that support the AdoptOpenJDK project:

Azul Systems:

Amazon Corretto
OpenJDK that is ironed by Amazon to serve their Java Services in AWS. They provide free update releases for Java 8 and Java 11:

Possible solutions for Axon.ivy Customers

If you use RIA Client Technology (RichDialog) you have 3 possible solutions:

  1. Buy Support from Oracle to get update/security releases for Oracle JDK after January 2019 for all your client machines.
  2. Install OpenJDK and IcedTea on all your client machines. This setup is fully tested and supported:
  3. Install the latest free available update/security release from Oracle JDK and stick to it (not recommended).

The new version 7.3.x upwards and therefore 8.0.x LTS do not supoprt RIA Client Technology (RichDialog) anymore. All Engine settings will be done with a new so called "Engine Cockpit" based on HTML.

If you do not use RIA Client Technology (RichDialog) you only need one machine to run the Admin UI to manage the Axon.ivy Engine (7.X and older). This machine can be the server where the Axon.ivy Engine is running. On this machine you have the same 3 options as mentioned above.


answered 21.12.2018 at 09:11

andreas_balsiger's gravatar image

accept rate: 60%

edited 24.05.2019 at 04:21

Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

Reguel Werme... ♦♦

Support can be bought online! Prices starts at $30/user/year (Oracle Java SE Desktop Supscription) Details see here:

(22.02.2019 at 09:52) Reto Weiss ♦♦ Reto%20Weiss's gravatar image

Axon.ivy 6.0


  • Customers still using Axon.ivy 6.0 should also be able to switch to an OpenJDK JRE. Smoke tests did not show any issues.
  • Theoretically there is no pressure to update on 6.0. As the Linux and Windows Engine both come with a bundled JRE that runs. However, in security sensitive environment you may want to run the Engine with your own JRE at the latest patch level
  • To change the JRE on Linux the must be adjust. Just set the variable _RUNJAVA to any local JRE binary.

alt text alt text


answered 25.04.2019 at 03:06

Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

Reguel Werme... ♦♦
accept rate: 70%

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Asked: 21.12.2018 at 09:02

Seen: 10,232 times

Last updated: 24.05.2019 at 04:21