Dear all,

We are using Ivy.Mail to send emails and now we need to define sender name for those emails. Here is what I expect: alt text

In the picture we have "Sony AG, ..." as a sender name beside "".

But seems that Ivy7 doesn't support us to do it.

alt text

Actually, we can solve it by using Java Mail (we need to get email configuration from system properties). But it is not a official way and it is not very nice to get the email password from system properties.

Do you have any ideas regarding this situation? Many thanks

asked 20.09.2018 at 05:02

an_nguyen's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Why are you not using the from field in the Header tab?



answered 20.09.2018 at 05:14

Reto%20Weiss's gravatar image

Reto Weiss ♦♦
accept rate: 74%

edited 20.09.2018 at 11:14

Dear Reto, It works for me. Thank you so much!!

(20.09.2018 at 05:59) an_nguyen an_nguyen's gravatar image

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Asked: 20.09.2018 at 05:02

Seen: 2,005 times

Last updated: 25.09.2018 at 07:28