I'm trying to create a test REST API in Ivy version 7.1 like the below: alt text then test it on Postman and get this response: alt text

Moreover, when I try to access the API by Chrome browser.

First time attempt: alt text Then cancel it and get this response: alt text Then press F5 and I get this response: alt text

According to the last comment on this topic https://answers.axonivy.com/questions/1858/rest-service-security

The REST service provided by Axon.ivy are be default protected by HTTP BASIC Authentication.

So my question is that why I could access the API without the basic authorization on Postman? I also test with the same scenario in Ivy version 6.2 but I'm unable to access the API without the basic authorization. Thanks

asked 26.06.2018 at 02:59

thminh's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

It a Designer thing. Postman does not seem to show a Basic auth dialog. So the Designer will automatically sign you in as Developer. You will not see such behaviour with a real engine.

But you could specify pro-actively a user to log in with postman by setting secure auth headers: alt text

Another thing that could be confusing is the cookie store that knows the attached JSESSONID once you had a successfully authenticated session. You may clean it up manually to switch the user alt text


answered 26.06.2018 at 03:42

Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

Reguel Werme... ♦♦
accept rate: 70%

edited 26.06.2018 at 04:07

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Asked: 26.06.2018 at 02:59

Seen: 1,937 times

Last updated: 26.06.2018 at 04:07