Hello IvyTeam !

Sometimes Ivy Processes are called via their url in a browser and we set some params as URLEncoded Parameters. Example : firstname=Élisabeth and lastname=Müller http://comba:8081/ivy/pro/designer/services_mock/162D9B06E7844FCB/videoIdentification.ivp?gender=Frau&firstname=%C3%89lisabeth&lastname=M%C3%BCller

In that case we have to encode the url parameters with "ISO-8859-1" charset which is the IVY default encoding. Is that possible to change this to "UTF-8"? Shouldn't Ivy set the default encoding to "UTF-8"?

This has been tested with Ivy 7.0.4.

Thanks a lot in advance Cheers Emmanuel

asked 29.05.2018 at 07:04

Emmanuel%20Comba's gravatar image

Emmanuel Comba
accept rate: 50%


If I had to guess, I'd say ivy uses the deprecated URLDecoder::decode(String s) method, which takes the platform's default encoding to determine what characters are represented by any consecutive sequences of the form "%xy".

(29.05.2018 at 07:34) Michael Iten Michael%20Iten's gravatar image

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Asked: 29.05.2018 at 07:04

Seen: 1,285 times

Last updated: 29.05.2018 at 07:34