Hi ivyteam I'm building a maven plugin to scanning java class in ivy project to generate some business documentation (by reading the annotation in classes). It's seem to work well with java class. There is only one problem with some classes which belong to ivy, for example a java class that extends from My question is: How could i resolve those ivy dependencies to load those class? how Thanks |
The Just bind its execution to a phase that runs before your annotation scanning. And then configure the property Thanks @Reguel Werme... ♦♦
I can load classes now. it works perfectly for all ivy classes. Just need to load more jar file that Cool that the property works for you. To get the dependencies from the project (iarJars) you could re-use another goal/property. The |
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Asked: 29.03.2018 at 11:01
Seen: 1,740 times
Last updated: 03.04.2018 at 04:41