Hi ivyteam

When i access the page to download ivy 7, i see there is several ivy versions but i don't understand exactly the idea behind

  • What is different between All and Slim All version?
  • Where can i get linux version for ivy engine?
  • Version (designer) for MacOS is available somewhere?


asked 25.12.2017 at 03:27

trungdv's gravatar image

accept rate: 52%

Hi @trungdv

What is different between All and Slim All version?

All means for all platforms. All is the full-blown Ivy Engine. Additional to the slim variante with the following artifacts:

  • projects/HtmlWorkflowUi.iar
  • projects/JsfWorkflowoUi.iar
  • system/applications/Portal

In difference to the Windows variant which is always full-blown, you don't bundle a JRE in All and Slim All.

Where can i get linux version for ivy engine?

All means for all platforms. There is no special release for Linux. Just take All or Slim All.

Version (designer) for MacOS is available somewhere?

There is no official Ivy Designer release for MacOS. The MacOS designer is only available as sprint or nightly release:


answered 27.12.2017 at 01:35

Alex%20Suter's gravatar image

Alex Suter ♦♦
accept rate: 84%

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Asked: 25.12.2017 at 03:27

Seen: 1,603 times

Last updated: 27.12.2017 at 01:35