Hi all

I'm trying with new concept which called casemap on ivy 7. What make me confused is the responsible role to trigger process of each step. Below is the picture of start process element: alt text

There is two places to configure about the role, in Request and Trigger tab. As i see the role in Trigger tab is about responsible role. It define which role/user can start this process (evaluate when casemap start).

My question is:

  • What is the purpose of role in Request Tab? How is it related to role in Trigger Tab?
  • When we use casemap, should we combine this start process with normal task switch? may be i need some boundary signal events.
  • In order to start it by casemap, we have to allow this task to be able to start by trigger-element? Thanks

asked 25.11.2017 at 22:05

trungdv's gravatar image

accept rate: 52%

edited 27.11.2017 at 08:10

Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

Reguel Werme... ♦♦

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Asked: 25.11.2017 at 22:05

Seen: 1,292 times

Last updated: 27.11.2017 at 08:10