Can you explain me why version 6.0 is still supported but e.g. 6.5 isn't anymore?

asked 31.10.2017 at 10:46

Barbara%20Brugger's gravatar image

Barbara Brugger ♦♦
accept rate: 100%

There are two different Release Cycles for Axon.ivy:

  • Major Release Cycle (Long Term Support Release)
  • Minor Release Cycle (Leading Edge Release)

alt text

Long Term Support Release

The Long Term Support Release version (aka LTS) will change each year on a full number level (e.g. in 2017, version 7 was released). The release date will be announced by the product management team after August of the corresponding year. All customers with a valid maintenance contract have free access to this Major Release version.

Examples: Version 6.0, Version 7.0, etc.

In addition, there will be official Update Releases during the year, which contain mainly bug fixes and smallest improvements. It is planned to have several Update Releases for each Major Release.

Examples: Version 6.0.1, Version 6.0.2, Version 7.0.1, etc.

A Long Term Support Release and its Update Releases are fully supported during the whole year. Update Releases furthermore are triggered to guarantee a stable LTS Release version and replaces previous Up- date Releases. Therefore, only the most recent Update Release is supported.

Leading Edge Release

A so called Leading Edge (LE) Release is a feature enhanced version based on the latest stable LTS Re- lease. A LE typically contains the introduction of a new bigger feature. The release cycle depends on the development time of a new feature.


  • Version 6.1, which contains Maven Support and the Signal Event concept
  • Version 6.2, which contains an integrated Business Rule Engine (BRE)
  • etc.

A LE Release is released in parallel to its LTS Release and can officially be used by any customer with a valid maintenance contract.

In addition, there will be official Update Releases during the year, which contain only heavy bug fixes in new features.

Examples: Version 6.1.1, Version 6.1.2, etc.

There is only the latest official LE Release (to be clear: the latest official Update Release of a LE Release) supported within the valid maintenance contract. Previous versions will not be further developed and won’t be covered within the support.


  • Version 6.1.1 is released, Version 6.1.0 is not supported anymore
  • Version 6.2 is released, Version 6.1.x is not supported anymore
  • Version 6.3 is released, Version 6.2.x and therefore 6.1.x is not supported anymore

Important notices:

  • A current LE Release includes the new feature introduced by its previous version (e.g. Version 6.2 contains the features of version 6.1)
  • The version 6.0 is not a LE Release and represents the Long Term Support Release

answered 31.10.2017 at 10:56

Barbara%20Brugger's gravatar image

Barbara Brugger ♦♦
accept rate: 100%

edited 24.01.2018 at 05:23

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Asked: 31.10.2017 at 10:46

Seen: 3,406 times

Last updated: 24.01.2018 at 05:23