Hello everyone ! I have a business process where the first step is script execution. In this step I am working with the ivy.session which requires system permissions. The bussines process has one role requirement, lets say only employee role is able to open it. When i am logged in, in the portal i can start normally that process and everything is fine. But one scenario does not work properly:

  1. I log in to the portal
  2. copy the link of the process
  3. log out from the portal
  4. paste the process url to the browser

now as a result i got error page where it says that i need the specific role instead of showing me the portal login page :///

asked 04.10.2017 at 08:55

Tano93's gravatar image

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edited 06.10.2017 at 07:20

Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

Reguel Werme... ♦♦

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Asked: 04.10.2017 at 08:55

Seen: 1,167 times

Last updated: 06.10.2017 at 07:20