I have a case map project with 3 stages, each having one process. It should be possible to jump from first process to last stage.

Inside scirpt I call


But get error:

IllegalStateException: Only business cases with no active sub cases can be finished
Could not handle case map event 'STAGE_CHANGED' for business case '4'

Because I am inside the process my case is still active.

Summary: As Pointed out in the answer, this error can be ignored and only triggers when after changing stage all processes are finished.

asked 27.09.2017 at 09:54

adamf's gravatar image

accept rate: 25%

edited 28.09.2017 at 05:54

I guess that you could simply ignore the error in a productive environment. The state change event should be re-processed after a while and then the change will be successful if you meanwhile finished the active process/task/case. So maybe you should just catch that error and ignore it :-)


answered 28.09.2017 at 02:29

Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

Reguel Werme... ♦♦
accept rate: 70%

Hi @Reguel, thanks I will give it a try.

(28.09.2017 at 05:14) adamf adamf's gravatar image

@Reguel, the error only happens when I change stage and no preconditions apply and the case is fnished. I just added a "finish" stage that will always be executed at the end and now it works with no errors :)

(28.09.2017 at 05:39) adamf adamf's gravatar image

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Asked: 27.09.2017 at 09:54

Seen: 1,692 times

Last updated: 28.09.2017 at 05:54