I added a project reference to another project in the properties of my project. But I can still not use the rich dialogs from my freshly referenced project. What am I doing wrong?

asked 16.10.2008 at 08:04

Manuel%20Wallrapp's gravatar image

Manuel Wallrapp
accept rate: 0%

If you know about the dependency already when you create the project, you can already define it in the new project wizard. Otherwise you must define the dependency in the project deployment descriptor so that you can use Xpert.ivy artifacts of a project in another project.


answered 17.10.2008 at 03:44

Kaspar%20von%20Gunten's gravatar image

Kaspar von G...
accept rate: 100%

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Asked: 16.10.2008 at 08:04

Seen: 2,857 times

Last updated: 16.02.2015 at 07:39