Hi everyone, I have an issue with attaching Java source in Axon.ivy Designer 6.3.
When I Ctrl + Click or F3 on a class name, Designer will open a Class File Editor with Attach Source... button. And it seems working when I use that function to attach source of external libraries (e.g. org.apache.commons.collections4.CollectionUtils) but the problem is when I restart or exit and start Designer, the source is not there and I have to attach it again.
Could you please help me on this? Thank you.

asked 06.10.2017 at 00:10

Bao%20Tran's gravatar image

Bao Tran
accept rate: 0%

I have good news for you. Migrate to 7.0.0 and the sources for public available libraries will be automatically attached. No need to configure anything...

6.3.0 is a no longer supported leading edge version. All its features are now stable and available as 7.0.0 LTS


answered 06.10.2017 at 07:19

Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

Reguel Werme... ♦♦
accept rate: 70%

edited 09.10.2017 at 03:52

Thank you. We do have a plan to migrate to 7.0.0 but not in the near future.

(08.10.2017 at 23:23) Bao Tran Bao%20Tran's gravatar image

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Asked: 06.10.2017 at 00:10

Seen: 1,705 times

Last updated: 09.10.2017 at 03:52