How can I change the data class of a process after the process is already created?

asked 24.07.2008 at 02:48

Michael%20Hauck's gravatar image

Michael Hauck
accept rate: 0%

This feature is a little bit hidden. Right click on the tree node for the process in the Ivy project view. In the popup menu, choose Inscription. In the dialog that opens you can select the data class on the second tab.


answered 25.07.2008 at 04:03

Kaspar%20von%20Gunten's gravatar image

Kaspar von G...
accept rate: 100%

In newer ivy versions, the entry in the context menu is called Inscribe Process. Furthermore, you can also simply double-click at an empty place in the process editor to open the inscription of the process.

(14.11.2014 at 16:03) Dominik Regli ♦ Dominik%20Regli's gravatar image

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Asked: 24.07.2008 at 02:48

Seen: 2,226 times

Last updated: 14.11.2014 at 16:03