In the portal I have noticed that not all of the cases are shown as can be seen from the picture:

alt text

As I can understand the javascript is not measuring the height properly. Can you give me some guides how this can be fixed as I am afraid to do not break something else while trying to fix this, as it is the portal, Thanks

asked 22.03.2017 at 10:47

tano9321's gravatar image

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Can you please tell us how to reproduce it? Which Ivy Version do you use? And which browser and version?

(23.03.2017 at 08:00) Alex Suter ♦♦ Alex%20Suter's gravatar image

AI - 6.4, Chrome 56.0.2924.87 (64-bit), if there are more than about 15 cases it starts to occur :/ basically in the JS i cant understand logic behind this code: var availableHeight = mainAreaPanel.outerHeight() - widgetHeaderContainer.outerHeight(true) - 70;

(23.03.2017 at 08:19) tano9321 tano9321's gravatar image

i havent touch anything on the module.css, and whenever I add a case the height of main-area-panel is increasing

(23.03.2017 at 08:57) tano9321 tano9321's gravatar image

I tried to reproduce on built-in Portal of Axon.ivy 6.4 but it show vertical scrollbar when there are many cases. Could you please describe what is the problem and how to reproduce in built-in Portal of Axon.ivy 6.4? Click to see Portal cases

(24.03.2017 at 11:17) lttung lttung's gravatar image

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Asked: 22.03.2017 at 10:47

Seen: 1,167 times

Last updated: 24.03.2017 at 11:41