Hi all

Following this guideline, section Business Case says that in case we use Trigger or Signal, A case could be attached to a Business Case, alt text

I have two questions:

  • Business Case is a implementation or just a Concept?
  • Is there any API to work with it? Like i want to collect all Cases belong to my app (because i use a lot of signal in order to create Task)


asked 14.02.2017 at 03:18

trungdv's gravatar image

accept rate: 52%

Hi trungdv

The Business Case (or also known as Super Case) is implemented and available with Axon IVY 6.5 Leading Edge Relase.

The key API methods are: ICase.getBusinessCase() that returns the IBusinessCase the case belongs to IBusinessCase.subCases() return all cases attached to the BusinessCase


answered 14.02.2017 at 10:07

Bruno%20B%C3%BCtler's gravatar image

Bruno Bütler
accept rate: 68%

hi @Bruno Bütler For the old versions (ivy 6.3.0) i can't collect all cases belong to my business by ivy API (the current way is try to filter the case by metadata)? i use a lot of signals in my project Thanks

(14.02.2017 at 11:52) trungdv trungdv's gravatar image

there is nothing that holds signaled processes together before 6.5. So yes you have to glue them together by intepreting it's metadata. The BusinessCase, which is finally a good solution to hold agile process instances together, was therefore the main reason to release 6.5

(15.02.2017 at 09:32) Reguel Werme... ♦♦ Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

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Asked: 14.02.2017 at 03:18

Seen: 1,980 times

Last updated: 15.02.2017 at 09:33