I'd like to know what's coming up as a solution for Case management. I mean by that a tool to modelize and execute ad-hoc processes from a business point of view. Have you anything coming up in the near future?

asked 09.10.2015 at 15:58

enricojl's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Thanks for this good question. Indeed we are coming up with a lot of news around case management and ad-hoc/unstructured processes.

The brand new version 6.0 of the Axon.ivy BPM Suite will be released in November 2015 and will provide a self-service ad-hoc process portal. Any enduser will be able to start any case and add ad-hoc users. So stay tuned and check out the new version very soon. Don't worry, we will announce the new version in the Q&A section!

In addition to that, we have already invested heavily into the merge of case management (Adaptive Case Management, Dynamic Case Management, etc.) and business process management.

The good news about that is that we can already model case management oriented processes but will introduce in the near future more tool support and new CMMN process diagram elements.


answered 09.10.2015 at 17:08

andreas_balsiger's gravatar image

accept rate: 60%

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Asked: 09.10.2015 at 15:58

Seen: 2,159 times

Last updated: 09.10.2015 at 17:08