Hi all, in module A, I have a function that return a BpmEngine as:

IBpmEngine engine = DiCore.getGlobalInjector().getInstance(IBpmEngine.class);

With this line of code i get instance which belong to module A somehow.

Now i also want to get IBpmEngine from other related modules (example: my module A depend on module B). I check the code then see each BpmEngine has a different id, combine between project model name and project model version: (class ch.ivyteam.ivy.bpm.engine.internal.BpmEngine)

this.id = "BPM engine " + this.getProcessModelVersion().getApplication().getName()
                + "/" + this.getProcessModelVersion().getVersionName();

Is there anyway to get BpmEngine of other related modules?

P/S: somehow this question is related to this post where i want to register listener for other module.

asked 28.12.2016 at 02:52

trungdv's gravatar image

accept rate: 52%

edited 28.12.2016 at 02:53

i think i can solve this question by using this factory:


answered 28.12.2016 at 03:17

trungdv's gravatar image

accept rate: 52%

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Asked: 28.12.2016 at 02:52

Seen: 1,690 times

Last updated: 28.12.2016 at 03:17