Hi, I have some questions about the Index page:
Thanks for answers in advance Regards, Dani |
You can block the access to all /info pages except the admin_panel.jsp with a security constraint in the
If the user tries to access the 'info/index.jsp' page a 404 error page will be displayed. The admin_panel.jsp still works but you have to know the URL :-) You could also require basic authentication for users that are accessing any /info/ page: SEe http://wiki.metawerx.net/wiki/SecuringYourSiteWithContainerManagedSecurity webapps/ivy/WEB-INF/web.xml
Hi Dani The default pages (Application Home, Task List, Process Start List, Login and End) could be configured per application on the engine. See Engine Guide -> Administration -> Default Executed Processes. Even our shipped worklfow-uis and the integrated portal make use of it. Hi Flavio Thanks for your response. This are the configurations per application right? Can you also replace the /ivy/info/index.jsp page with those settings? Regards, Dani No these settings do not influence the default info pages. However you can customize the info JSPs for your own needs by editing the sources in |
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Asked: 15.09.2016 at 16:08
Seen: 2,658 times
Last updated: 08.11.2016 at 16:13