
I have several questions about logging.

  1. How do I get the Role AND UserName of the Process Starting Person in my log file ? And in general the Role and Username of the working person on a task. Something like ivy.xxx.xxx ?

  2. When I call a Web Service in the Designer, then in my Log File the input and output parameter are written down. But when I call the same Process on the Engine, I only get the input parameter of the web service, but not the output. How can I change this ?

  3. Is it possible to log in which sort of Element the log was done ? Something like Script Step, User Task, etc...

  4. With "ivy.task.getStartProcessData() " I can get the incoming Data but how can I get the outgoing Data ? For example for a User Task, where the incoming data are changed by the user and these changed data are outgoing/flowing to another User Task. I tried "ivy.task.getEndProcessData()" but there I only get "null" as a result.

  5. Another question: How can I configure the Permission and System Permissions in the Designer ?

asked 03.08.2016 at 15:16

Michael94's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

  1. ivy.log.info(ivy.session.getSessionUserName()); = Gives the Username of the User logged in which ist performing the Task where this is coded. ivy.log.info(ivy.task.getActivatorName()); = Gives the Username of the Activator of the Task.

  2. If it is not logged automaticaly by the engine then you have to write the logging steps yourself ivy.logging.info(String).

  3. See Pt. 2

  4. ivy.logging.info(out.data.data).

  5. You don't, at least I have not found out a way to do it. AFAIK all rights management is done in the Admin Module.


answered 10.08.2016 at 15:39

RMS71's gravatar image

accept rate: 33%

edited 10.08.2016 at 15:51

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Asked: 03.08.2016 at 15:16

Seen: 2,238 times

Last updated: 10.08.2016 at 15:51