I have denied the Role the right to delete Tasks, but the Button "Delete" is still active, I have not been able to find out where the condition to Activate/Deactivate the Button is set, in the 4.3 version it was done via the Rights Management.

asked 11.07.2016 at 11:41

RMS71's gravatar image

accept rate: 33%

edited 11.07.2016 at 12:55


It seems that in 4.3 the permission AdministrateWorkflow was used to enable the button. In 6.0 the permissions TaskReadAll and CaseReadAll are used. Both permissions must be granted to enable the button.


answered 11.07.2016 at 12:30

Reto%20Weiss's gravatar image

Reto Weiss ♦♦
accept rate: 74%

edited 11.07.2016 at 12:31

Thank you - do you know if the Users would still be able to 'see' all Tasks within the system if I take these Rights away from them?

(11.07.2016 at 12:55) RMS71 RMS71's gravatar image

I think you won't be able to see all tasks if you remove the permission.

(11.07.2016 at 14:14) Reto Weiss ♦♦ Reto%20Weiss's gravatar image

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Asked: 11.07.2016 at 11:41

Seen: 1,915 times

Last updated: 11.07.2016 at 14:14