How can I send an event to all running clients of my application in order to let them invoke a specific action?

asked 05.04.2011 at 11:31

Philipp%20Haslinger's gravatar image

Philipp Hasl...
accept rate: 100%

You can do this with a system event, see the chapter in the documentation.

Here some example code to send system events:

import ch.ivyteam.ivy.event.SystemEvent;
import ch.ivyteam.ivy.event.SystemEventCategory;

String parameter = "I am the event parameter";
SystemEvent event = new SystemEvent(SystemEventCategory.THIRD_PARTY,

The event can be catched by the normal Rich Dialog event element.


answered 06.04.2011 at 05:47

Thomas%20Zehetner's gravatar image

Thomas Zehetner
accept rate: 50%

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Asked: 05.04.2011 at 11:31

Seen: 2,246 times

Last updated: 05.04.2011 at 11:31