Hello Guys,

I`m new to the BMP tool.

Is there a way to work with modern JS frameworks (jQuery, KnockoutJS, AngularJS, ReactJS..etc.) in the HTML Dialog ? My goal is to "escape from the chains" of PrimeFaces and JSF. I want to be able to keep the client-side logic in JavaScript and the back-end logic in the BPM tool.

Best Regards, Yordan

asked 21.06.2016 at 15:47

Stelt0's gravatar image

accept rate: 12%

There is a NEW Demo on Github that outlines how an Angular app can be created with Axon.ivy in the Backend. They interact with REST services implemented in ivy. See here: https://github.com/ivy-samples/ivy-angular-demo


answered 07.02.2018 at 10:22

Bruno%20B%C3%BCtler's gravatar image

Bruno Bütler
accept rate: 68%

  • in the HtmlDialogDemos project there is a demonstration how Dialog logic can be invoked by JavaScript. See ch.ivyteam.htmldialog.demo.other.AjaxMethodCallDemo. The demo project can be imported via: File -> Import -> Axon.ivy -> Ivy Archive -> [DesignerDir]/applications/samples -> HtmlDialogDemos -> Import alt text

  • with 6.2 you can also design a RestFul interface that invokes process logic and call it from JavaScript. See the ConnectivityDemos in the latest Sprint release: http://www.ivyteam.ch/flatpress/?page=download_last_increment . The official 6.2 release will be available in 2 weeks - so it should be save to start developing your project with it.


answered 22.06.2016 at 10:26

Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

Reguel Werme... ♦♦
accept rate: 70%

edited 22.06.2016 at 10:37

Thanks for the competent answer !

I`m looking forward to version 6.2 !

Best Regards, Yordan

(22.06.2016 at 10:33) Stelt0 Stelt0's gravatar image

Hello Stelt0!

Did you implement Angualar 2 with Ivy Tools yet? Could you tell me your approach?



answered 29.11.2016 at 03:26

Hap%20Em's gravatar image

Hap Em
accept rate: 0%


My first question to you would be, do you really need Angular 1.x or even Angular 2.x in your project ?

As Reguel mentioned, since v6.2 you have REST API in Ivy. This allows you to abstract the UI from the back-end. The problem is that you need to implement the security context by your self.

In addition to that, you might need to implement some features for supporting the BPM part. For example, to be able to transfer process context variables/parameters between the different process steps.

Again, Do you really need Angular ? Axon.Ivy is not an application development framework it is rather focused on solving BPM problems and it is good in this part. It is not impossible to integrate Ivy with Angular, just that the time and effort that you need to put, may not be optimal (I gave up researching in this area because of that). You also might want to conciser BPM tools with lower level of abstraction like Activiti and Canunda. Here you are free of the chains of JSF/PrimeFaces and you can use whatever JS framework by design.

Best Regards, Yordan

(29.11.2016 at 06:40) Stelt0 Stelt0's gravatar image

There is a Demo on Github that outlines how an Angular app can be created with Axon.ivy in the Backend. https://github.com/ivy-samples/ivy-angular-demo

(02.02.2018 at 02:18) Reguel Werme... ♦♦ Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

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Asked: 21.06.2016 at 15:47

Seen: 5,638 times

Last updated: 07.02.2018 at 10:22