Recently, as I work with German characters. The email content will display correctly only if I send the email locally using Ivy Designer.

If I send the email on server with the same encoding (charset=ISO-8859-1), so in order to send the email with the correct encoding I have to replicate class and change the following method.

    private String getContentType(String msg) {
    /* 446 */if (isHtml(msg)) {
        /* 448 */return "text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1";
    /* 450 */return "text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-7";

May I ask if there is any configuration on Ivy Engine that override this configuration of the email?

asked 17.06.2016 at 11:53

ToanLC's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

So, in order that the German characters are right you have to set a greek character (ISO-8859-7) set? Sound really strange to me...

(23.06.2016 at 15:01) Reto Weiss ♦♦ Reto%20Weiss's gravatar image

Yes, I know it sounds really strange, though it works on the Amazon server. The original methods will work on the designer but not on the engine on the server

(24.06.2016 at 03:58) ToanLC ToanLC's gravatar image

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Asked: 17.06.2016 at 11:53

Seen: 1,885 times

Last updated: 24.06.2016 at 03:58