How am I able to attach a File(PDF) to an Email using the Email Step in the Designer (5.1). I have tried to attach a file using the "select File" functionality but the Path/File is not accepted. What information does Ivy require in order to send an attachment with the Mail? |
The attachment must be in the file area of the current application. During design time this is always [YourDesignerPath]/files/applications. You can always reach these files via API
Its also documented here: Hi Reguel When i put the email attachment inside [YourDesignerPath]/files/applications/<timestamp_folder>/attachment.png then send attachment with relative path (ex: <timestamp_folder>/attachment.png) by email elements, i receive an email with attachment name is <timestamp_folder>/attachment.png, somehow email elements use the path as name of file. how can i change it? i don't want to have the timestamp folder in my attachment name. Hi Reguel I can confirm this behavior in ivy 5.x and 6.x described by trungdv. Essentialy it is not possible to attach a file from deeper folder than <designer>/files/application without being renamed. Example: /application/subdir1/foo.txt will be attached as subdir1_foo.txt It means, you cannot consider sending more files in time lapse with one file name from your application dir without workaround, which is VERY uncomfortable. Whats your prefered attachment filename? Just foo.txt, without the folders? exactly, i want to send foo.txt in folder <designer>/files/application/subdir1/ file subdir1_foo.txt is attached Is there a progress in this case ? josef |
In ivy 7.1 we will only add the filename of the file, without path information. As we have seen that this is common practice. |
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Asked: 19.04.2016 at 10:16
Seen: 3,355 times
Last updated: 12.10.2017 at 04:07