I'am updating an Axon.Ivy project 5.1.9 to version 6.1.0. On your AddOns download Page is written that the projects Axon.ivy IvyAddOns and Axon.ivy Workflow UI are now included in Designer. So, I deleted this projects out of my solution.

Now, Axon Ivy Designer is missing the following RIA-Dialogs:

  • ch.ivyteam.ivy.addons.commondialogs.ErrorDetailDialog
  • ch.ivyteam.ivy.addons.commondialogs.ErrorDialog
  • ch.ivyteam.ivy.addons.commondialogs.LoginDialog
  • ch.ivyteam.ivy.addons.commondialogs.MessageDialog
  • ch.ivyteam.ivy.addons.commondialogs.QuestionDialog

How can I add them into the Solution in Version 6.1.0?

asked 31.03.2016 at 08:46

Thomas%20Wirz's gravatar image

Thomas Wirz
accept rate: 33%

edited 01.04.2016 at 11:43

SupportIvyTeam's gravatar image

SupportIvyTeam ♦♦

The IvyAddOns project is in the unpacked Axon.ivy Designer folder under /applications/utilities/Addons.iar.

It can either be imported via menu: File -> Import -> Axon.ivy -> Ivy Archive (*.iar) or alternatively via by drag&drop from the windows explorer into the "Axon.ivy Projects" tree.


answered 01.04.2016 at 08:54

Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

Reguel Werme... ♦♦
accept rate: 70%

Thank you for your answer.

Where can i find the Axon.ivy Workflow UI some references of this package are also missing.

for example: ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.ui.Application

(01.04.2016 at 11:22) Thomas Wirz Thomas%20Wirz's gravatar image

The Workflow UI for Rich Dialogs can be found in an unpacked Axon.ivy Engine under /projects/RiaWorkflowUi.iar

The main workflow UI which should be used in the future is the 'Portal'. It's a default deployed application which is shipped with every Axon.ivy Engine from 6.0 upwards. The projects of it can be found under /applications/Portal

(01.04.2016 at 11:41) Reguel Werme... ♦♦ Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

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Asked: 31.03.2016 at 08:46

Seen: 2,175 times

Last updated: 01.04.2016 at 11:43