Where can I find the IvyAddOns project for Axon.ivy IvyAddOns missing in Version 6.1.0
I'am updating an Axon.Ivy project 5.1.9 to version 6.1.0. On your AddOns download Page is written that the projects Axon.ivy IvyAddOns and Axon.ivy Workflow UI are now included in Designer.
So, I deleted this projects out of my solution.
Now, Axon Ivy Designer is missing the following RIA-Dialogs:
- ch.ivyteam.ivy.addons.commondialogs.ErrorDetailDialog
- ch.ivyteam.ivy.addons.commondialogs.ErrorDialog
- ch.ivyteam.ivy.addons.commondialogs.LoginDialog
- ch.ivyteam.ivy.addons.commondialogs.MessageDialog
- ch.ivyteam.ivy.addons.commondialogs.QuestionDialog
How can I add them into the Solution in Version 6.1.0?