Hi everyone, My team is using Ivy Engine
With Project build plugin 6.0.2 or 6.0.3 it will compile for Ivy Project 6.0.1 (required ivy engine 6.0.1)
What i need is compile for Ivy project 6.1.0.
Does anyone has an idea to overcome this situation?

Thank you.

asked 16.02.2016 at 03:06

Trung%20Nguyen's gravatar image

Trung Nguyen
accept rate: 0%

You can configure the ivy version which is used by the project-build-plugin. It currently defaults to 6.0.1, but you can always change it by settings the parameter ivyVersion. See the goal documentation here http://axonivy.github.io/project-build-plugin/release/ensureInstalledEngine-mojo.html#ivyVersion


If you compile a project for a 6.1 engine i suggest that you migrate to the latest project-build-plugin which is built for 6.1. As 6.1 is not yet released and only availalbe as sprint increment, the corresponding plugin is also only available in as SNAPSHOT release. But you can and should use it anyway as it brings many new features: http://axonivy.github.io/project-build-plugin/snapshot/plugin-info.html

    <!-- Snapshot releases are not deployed to maven central. So the repo on sonatype could be used instead -->


answered 16.02.2016 at 09:09

Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

Reguel Werme... ♦♦
accept rate: 70%

edited 16.02.2016 at 09:53

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Asked: 16.02.2016 at 03:06

Seen: 1,502 times

Last updated: 16.02.2016 at 09:53