
in our Project we use the RBrowser component to show a sharepoint site. Since we installed ie11 the RBrowser component have problems. Normally when i start a document i can change and store ist. With RBrowser an ie11 it dosn´t work. If i use the ie11 directly it works.

do you have any idea


asked 28.01.2016 at 17:02

Dirk%20Busmann's gravatar image

Dirk Busmann
accept rate: 0%

edited 20.09.2016 at 12:25

Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

Reguel Werme... ♦♦


I have a similar Problem: I want to call an external URL from a RIA Application. I tried to use a RBrowser. Unfortunately the RBrowser doesn't support JQuery / Bootstrap.

Is there a posability to configure the RBrowser? Or is it possible to call a external URL (with Parameters) from a RIA Application in the clients default browser?

Thanks for your feedback


(19.09.2016 at 15:15) Stefan Fischer Stefan%20Fischer's gravatar image

Thanks to IvyTeam!

The RBrowser uses the native system browser. However HTML5 is not working with it.

But it is possible to call an external URL with folowing code: com.ulcjava.base.application.ClientContext.showDocument(String url);

For more examples there is a demo project (RichDialogDemos) in the designer: Directory /applications/samples.

Thank you and have nice day.

(20.09.2016 at 09:04) Stefan Fischer Stefan%20Fischer's gravatar image

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Asked: 28.01.2016 at 17:02

Seen: 2,072 times

Last updated: 20.09.2016 at 12:25