Here is the error message I get in Designer 5.1.8 when I use IvyComponentDoc :

IllegalStateException: Cannot find license 'E:\AxonIvyDesigner5.1.8\iar:\E:\workspace-apel\IvyComponentDoc.iar\lib\Aspose.Total.Java2011-5-25.lic'.

The path to the license doesn't look rigth, it should be : E:\workspace-apel\IvyComponentDoc.iar\lib\Aspose.Total.Java2011-5-25.lic'

It works on the server though.

Any indication how to fix.


asked 10.01.2016 at 01:52

enricojl's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 10.01.2016 at 01:54

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Asked: 10.01.2016 at 01:52

Seen: 2,277 times

Last updated: 10.01.2016 at 01:54