Hello, I have an example JSP page:
In the start3.ivp page, I have the java code to check the file stream:
When run the form,I see nothing in the log about o.getParts. Here is the full output:
I use: Xpert.ivy Designer Version: 5.0.11 (Rothorn) Revision: 45786 Build date: May 14, 2014 |
On the process start use a parameter called The file will then be uploaded to Axon.ivy and can be accessed using the process data attribute
I'd use the well documented JSF approach to upload files instead of JSP. See the HtmlDialogDemos project in your Designer/applications/samples/ directory. Within there is a demo how to upload a file with an Hmtl User Dialg (JSF): see /FileUploadSimpleModeDemo.ivp If you are trying to start a dedicated new case if a file was pushed to the server, you can either start a new case with a trigger activity or use the file pickup start event bean. |
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Asked: 16.11.2015 at 05:07
Seen: 3,498 times
Last updated: 18.11.2015 at 09:32