Hi all, When I started the task in the task list. I often got the exception: RequestException: The task with identifier '846' was already finished or does not exist (Session identifier is '45'). But I want to catch this exception and show a friendly dialog to the user. I am looking forward to hearing any ideas from you Vuong Vu, Vision team |
With Axon.ivy 6.0 there will be a better error messsage for this problem. If the task was already done by another person the name of the person is visible in the error page. |
Instead of linking the task directly you could execute dialog logic when a user tries to resume a task. Within this dialog logic you check if the task still has the correct state. (E.g. by using the workflow api: TaskQuery.create()....) If the task state is correct, you redirect to the real task-pickup URL, otherwise you show a nice dialog, that somebodey else finished the task. |
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Asked: 13.11.2015 at 08:02
Seen: 1,866 times
Last updated: 13.11.2015 at 16:28