
We repeatedly see this error message in our production logs:

05.08.2015 09:00:00.000 ERROR [ch.ivyteam.ivy.scripting.serialization.IvyScriptSerializer] [Incoming--649,XpertIvy,yyy-123] [application=1, requestId=123456789, pmv=app$MyProcessModel$1, task=123456, session=0 (SYSTEM), request=Business Processes/MyProcess/MyMod.mod/eventLink.ivp(1106682.1930715.0.0), executionContext=SYSTEM] Failed to serialize an object of class ch.ivyteam.ivy.event.SystemEvent. After de-serialization this instance will be null.

The parameter for the SystemEvent implements Serializable and has a public no arg constructor.

We have a 2 Ivy node cluster setup.

This error can't be reproduced in a local designer.

I can see that SystemEvent doesn't implement Serializable, nor has a default constructor which seems to be a requirement by IvyScriptSerializer if it's not a Collection, Map, Array, Enum or Axis Enum. This, in my opinion, leads to the error in the log.

My suspicion is that since our ProcessStartEventBean doesn't support more than one instance and if the event occurs on the same cluster node that processes this SystemEvent the SystemEvent is not serialized. If this is not the case it has to serialize the SystemEvent in order to send it to the master node.

Can you confirm this?

asked 05.08.2015 at 10:13

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Asked: 05.08.2015 at 10:13

Seen: 2,258 times

Last updated: 05.08.2015 at 10:13