In the help topics its written that primefaces themes has to be installed in the servers/designers webapps directory. With this setting themes are configured globally for all projects. What if i want to apply different themes for different projects? Do i have to start ivy server instances for each theme?

The primefaces documentation says: "...this approach requires you to create a jar file and add it to the classpath of your application"

So the designated way to apply themes, is at the project level not the server level.

How can I apply a theme only for one project?

asked 06.08.2014 at 12:14

HaraldWeber's gravatar image

accept rate: 33%

I wanted to add the tag "themes" but i couldn't. You don't have enough reputation to create new tags. The following tags do not exist yet: themes

(06.08.2014 at 12:14) HaraldWeber HaraldWeber's gravatar image

With Axon.ivy 6.0.1 or later it is possible to define a theme per application and or session. See section Html Dialog in chapter Miscellaneous in the Engine Guide


answered 23.12.2015 at 12:09

Reto%20Weiss's gravatar image

Reto Weiss ♦♦
accept rate: 74%

There exists a third party library you can add to your Xpert.ivy server to support different themes for projects.

You can find an example and the download here.


answered 06.08.2014 at 12:19

Lars%20Tuchel's gravatar image

Lars Tuchel
accept rate: 60%

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Asked: 06.08.2014 at 12:14

Seen: 4,156 times

Last updated: 23.12.2015 at 12:09