When a new task is created, Xpert.ivy sends a notification email to the asignee. This is of course based on some configuration stuff.

I change the assignee of an existing task programatically (with public workflow API). Now I want the new assignee to get the task email. Is it possible to trigger this email again for some ITask?

A workaround would setting the existing task to SYSTEM user and implement a loop in the business process to create a new task. This causes some side effects, that are not acceptable in my scenario.

asked 20.05.2014 at 19:02

Timo%20Rupp's gravatar image

Timo Rupp
accept rate: 100%


Hi, if i use the delegate function of the htmlWFUi the mail is send automatic to the new activator. But the question is good i would need nearly the same to send daily Task summary more then once a day.

kindly regards Roland

(20.05.2014 at 22:03) roland roland's gravatar image

@roland: If you think this is a good question - upvote it. :)

(21.05.2014 at 09:14) Nikel Weis Nikel%20Weis's gravatar image

I just did a bit research and expired, that Xpert.ivy Server is doing all I need automatically. So, I searched for something that is already implemented.

When I use API methods like setExpiryActivator or setOriginalActivator on an ITask, the task will automatically appear in the task notification emails of the new assignee.


answered 21.05.2014 at 10:21

Timo%20Rupp's gravatar image

Timo Rupp
accept rate: 100%

@roland: Thanks for pointing me to the right direction. I checked how this is done in HtmlWfUI

(21.05.2014 at 10:22) Timo Rupp Timo%20Rupp's gravatar image

This is possible. I think the basic method you need is either .findTask(int taskIdentifier)or findWorkTasks()on that base you can send an email to notify the user about his/her newly assigned task. See API for further informations.

From the designer guide:

In a Daily notification mail you might need a task list for a user that she may activate and work on. The method findWorkTasks(..) on ivy.wf does this job. It uses even substitutions and absences to collect the correct task list (see IWorkflowContext interface in the PublicAPI documentation for more details)

Hope this helps.


answered 21.05.2014 at 09:11

Nikel%20Weis's gravatar image

Nikel Weis
accept rate: 57%

edited 21.05.2014 at 09:12

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Asked: 20.05.2014 at 19:02

Seen: 4,592 times

Last updated: 21.05.2014 at 10:22