(This question belongs to ivy 5.x) If a user opens a task (which presents a user dialog to him) and then, a little later he cancels the task (exits from user dialog), xpert.ivy finishes this task and set it's state to DONE. In such a case (after cancelling), the Task should go back to the state SUSPENDED it had before the user started it. I don't want to delete this task and recreate it, so I tried to reset the task by calling the method ivy.task.reset() in a script element after closing the user dialog, but ivy returns the following error message: "Session 1 (xyz) is not allowed to call method public void ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.internal.Task.reset(). The session does not fulfill the permission rule SESSION OWNS TaskReset PERMISSION OR OWNS TaskReset@SYSTEM PERMISSION" It's no problem to set this rights by the Administration Console, but it's not useful to set this right to all users created in ivy. Is there a way to set the appropriate permission within an ivy script element or is there another doing to reset a task? Thanks |
See answer of question How can I disable Xpert.ivy security/permission checks. It explains how you can disable permission checking on designer and server with an small java helper class. As already mentioned it is possible per API to grant/deny permissions of a role or user (Also this API is used by the Administration UI, which is an Ivy Project). See answer of question How to grant permssions to a user or role in Designer. |
See question 654 to see how to assign (grant) permissions in the Designer. |
Hi Stefan, are you using JSF Dialog? In my RIA Dialog i created an Event Task reset which is call when then Window is unloaded. It is just one Skript step needed. if (!in.propperClosed) { ivy.task.reset(); } If you use JSF Dialogs there is a little bit more to do.
create an attribut URL which is filled with the correct URL of the callable process by dialog start event. JavaScript which calls URL function cancel(url) { document.location=url; } a command Button which call the script p:commandButton onclick="cancel(#{data.url})" I never had problems with the rights in designer, only on Server, there you Need the rights. hope this helps Roland |
Hi Reto, Thanks a lot for your quick response, but I think that I expressed the problem not clearly: The Task should be resetted before it's going to state DONE, not after it reaches this state.
But you're right: I'll try to create a group with appropriate rights for Task Handling and assign all users to this group. This could work. One more question: How can I assign this right/permission within the Designer? Thanks a lot and regards, Stefan |
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Asked: 23.04.2014 at 23:07
Seen: 16,156 times
Last updated: 04.08.2014 at 16:12