I have problem when trying create bookmark (add to home screen on IOS) of our web application
When I open login page it will generate new link with new id like that:
link: http: //
So when i create new bookmark using this link, I can not open it again because the id changed already and got a bug:
Http status 500: dialog instance with id 14569705AD2854C0 is not available anymore.
How can I fix this link to create bookmark on IOS?
Thanks and Best regards,
Chi Ton

asked 16.04.2014 at 09:35

chiton's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 17.04.2014 at 05:29

Hi, do you generate an icon each time? Is it not possible to put the icon in the webcontent folder?

(16.04.2014 at 16:28) Peter Stöckli ♦ Peter%20St%C3%B6ckli's gravatar image

hi, i think my question make some mistakes, i have updated it. Thanks for your comment

(17.04.2014 at 05:29) chiton chiton's gravatar image

ah, you mean bookmarks not icons ;)

(17.04.2014 at 09:10) Peter Stöckli ♦ Peter%20St%C3%B6ckli's gravatar image

This is not an ivy-specific problem but rather a JSF problem:

The general problem is that JSF is intended to be a framework for building webapps with very rich/complex pages, ie pages with lots of html input components in them. And that means that there can be lots of data being passed back to a server on each submit. Therefore JSF takes the approach of using POST requests almost all the time – and those of course don’t bookmark well.

There are some workarounds - have a look here. Or just google JSF bookmark problem. But maybe there is some implementation of prettyfaces in ivy I don't know about or just an easy workaround.


answered 17.04.2014 at 08:50

Nikel%20Weis's gravatar image

Nikel Weis
accept rate: 57%

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Asked: 16.04.2014 at 09:35

Seen: 16,403 times

Last updated: 17.04.2014 at 09:10