I would like to use spring framework utility methods in java classes in xpert.ivy, like BeanUtils. But the library dependencies in the designer claim "org.springframework.beans" as discouraged / restricted. What would be the best way to use spring framework methods ?

asked 10.03.2014 at 12:11

Markus%20R%C3%BChrmair's gravatar image

Markus Rührmair
accept rate: 0%

We use some Spring libraries internally in the Xpert.ivy code base. It is used internally thus you get the discouraged / restricted warning. But the solution to your problem is simple, just copy the Spring jar with the BeanUtils into your project and it to the class path. This has even one more advantage, you do not need to rely on the version we provide but you can use any version you want. And update anytime you want.

Cheers Michael


answered 01.04.2014 at 08:58

MichaelD%C3%A4nzer's gravatar image

MichaelDänzer ♦
accept rate: 86%

Thank you. That's what I did!

(02.04.2014 at 08:56) Markus Rührmair Markus%20R%C3%BChrmair's gravatar image

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Asked: 10.03.2014 at 12:11

Seen: 1,672 times

Last updated: 02.04.2014 at 08:56