I would like to integrate PrimePush into Ivy 5.0.x. I found the answer here link text, but it only works on Ivy 4.x (tested on 4.3.8). My current Ivy Designer/Server v5.0.8 can not work. I think it's because of the newer version of embedded Tomcat. Could you please give me some hints?

asked 28.02.2014 at 05:16

thha's gravatar image

accept rate: 50%

edited 28.02.2014 at 05:24

Hello, PrimePush should work with Ivy 5.0.8 (not with 4.3.8). Did you install the Atmosphere Framework? Can you provide the actual error?

(03.03.2014 at 12:13) Peter Stöckli ♦ Peter%20St%C3%B6ckli's gravatar image

Hi Peter! Thank you a lot for your remind! It's my mistake, because there is a lot of versions of Ivy on my developing PC. It works with Ivy 4.4.0, and surprise that it also works with Ivy 5.0.8. It does not work with Ivy 5.0.2. When starting a channel, it throw error 500 (Internal Server Error) in js console, and "java.lang.IllegalStateException: Not supported" when accessing the URL of channel directly. Anyway, it works now. Thank you again!

(05.03.2014 at 08:25) thha thha's gravatar image

It works on Ivy 4.4 and 5.0.8 now. The demo still does not work on 5.0.2. Thanks Peter Stöckli!


answered 05.03.2014 at 08:30

thha's gravatar image

accept rate: 50%

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Asked: 28.02.2014 at 05:16

Seen: 2,521 times

Last updated: 05.03.2014 at 08:30