Hi Ivy Team,

I try to build Ivy 8 project with project-build-plugin-8.0.3 and Axon.ivy Engine 8.0.6 Slim All and found that I cannot build the project because org.apache.axis2.client.Options could not be resolved (some class in my project import this class).

The libraries exist on Designer under container Axon.ivy WS Call, no compile error within Designer but I could not find them on engine-path/system/plugins of the Engine.

asked 09.07.2020 at 03:54

vinh_'s gravatar image

accept rate: 40%


answered 09.07.2020 at 04:04

Oliver%20Heer's gravatar image

Oliver Heer
accept rate: 57%

Thanks Oliver Heer, I could solve the compile error.

(09.07.2020 at 04:28) vinh_ vinh_'s gravatar image

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Asked: 09.07.2020 at 03:54

Seen: 2,258 times

Last updated: 10.07.2020 at 04:53