Hi all We want to call a REST API with the method PATCH. But in the selector there is no such option. Is there a way to do it anyway? Thanks for the help.

asked 21.06.2020 at 06:22

renatostalder's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Renato

Yes, you can fire a 'PATCH' request anyway. Some REST functionalities, which are rarely used, did not get the full UI support. But you can always switch to the JAX_RS mode to use the full blown rest stack API.

This mode will set up a code block with a rest client variable. It basically contains the pre-configured platform client and it's Jersey API to drive it.

Now you can use this client to fire a request with the PATCH http method: client.request().method("PATCH")

alt text


answered 22.06.2020 at 03:06

Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

Reguel Werme... ♦♦
accept rate: 70%

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Asked: 21.06.2020 at 06:22

Seen: 2,961 times

Last updated: 22.06.2020 at 03:06