When defining a security system, you can define extended attributes that map from the LDAP attributes to Axon Ivy.

Also, in the Axon Ivy Cockpit there is a screen where you can see each user. However, it only shows username, email, etc. and permissions.

Is there any way to see the extended attributes in there as well? It would be kind of handy to know if the attributes mapped correctly and which user has what attribute value.

asked 15.04.2020 at 04:05

sorin's gravatar image

accept rate: 100%

edited 15.04.2020 at 04:05

I think the properties are visible in LTS 8.0: https://dev.axonivy.com/doc/8.0/engine-guide/tool-reference/engine-cockpit/security.html#user-detail

See the widget on the upper right corner


answered 15.04.2020 at 09:52

Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

Reguel Werme... ♦♦
accept rate: 70%

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Asked: 15.04.2020 at 04:05

Seen: 1,246 times

Last updated: 15.04.2020 at 09:52