We updated to a newer version of Tortoise and subversion server. Now we can no more use the SVN features of Ivy. We always get error messages or the Designer does not offer the common actions for SVN update or commit.

asked 01.06.2012 at 06:10

MichaelD%C3%A4nzer's gravatar image

MichaelDänzer ♦
accept rate: 86%

Axon.ivy 7.1 and later

You are able to manage Subclipse completley on your own in Axon.ivy Designer. Subclipse is installed as root feature and you can update and uninstall it whenever you need it. To update Subclipse you can simpliy click on Help > Check for updates.

If you don't need Subclipse you may want to uninstall it. Click on Help > Installation Details. Choose Subclipse and the Client Adapaters and click on uninstall.

Axon.ivy 7.0 and prior

For example with the version 1.7, the Subversion development team introduced a new way to store the meta data of a working copy. As soon as you check out or upgrade a working copy with another SVN tool than the Designer which uses the new features, you can no more use the Subversion features in the Designer.

One solution is to delete your working copy and check it out again with the Ivy Designer. If you cannot or do not want to do that, you have to update your Subclipse plugin in the Designer:

  1. Go to Window - Preferences - Install/Update - Available Software Sites
  2. Add the update site for the most current Subclipse version (e.g. http://subclipse.tigris.org/update_1.8.x)
  3. Save the preferences and close
  4. Go to Help - Check for Updates
  5. Choose the new Subclipse version
  6. Click through the update
  7. At the end of the update, re-start your designer
  8. Import your projects. If you have the project already in your workspace, then you must remove and re-import them.

answered 06.11.2013 at 11:08

SupportIvyTeam's gravatar image

SupportIvyTeam ♦♦
accept rate: 77%

edited 26.02.2018 at 02:30

Alex%20Suter's gravatar image

Alex Suter ♦♦

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Asked: 01.06.2012 at 06:10

Seen: 2,288 times

Last updated: 26.02.2018 at 02:30