Hello, I read How can I update Subclipse in Ivy? - Axon.ivy | Q&A and tried to apply a similar receipt to update Subclipse to get the 1.8 client. Unfortunately, the Update function does not found anything. If I install http://subclipse.tigris.org/update_1.10.x and select both Subclipse (Required) and Subversion Client Adapter (Required), the install succeeds. But when I select Subversion JavaHL Native Library Adapter, the install fails with the following message:
I tried to install from the URL and from a local ZIP (http://subclipse.tigris.org/files/documents/906/49431/site-1.10.9.zip), but it always fails with the same error. Could you please provide a way to update the Subversion client in Ivy Designer 1.5.7 in order to leverage the 1.8 client feature (and working copy format)? Thanks. http://answers.axonivy.com/questions/449/how-can-i-update-subclipse-in-ivy asked 11.08.2015 at 17:43 A1234 |
The install problem is caused by an invalid eclipse platform p2 repository. You can work around the problem by unchecking the "contact all update sites ..." option as described here: http://answers.axonivy.com/questions/970/can-i-use-the-integrated-5-1-update-sites-to-install-a-third-party-eclipse-plugin-like-m2e Tested sucessfully with ivy 5.1.7 answered 12.08.2015 at 16:27 Reguel Werme... ♦♦ Ok, thanks. I could install with success all Subclipse and SVNKit items from http://subclipse.tigris.org/update_1.10.x by unchecking the "Contact all..." checkbox. Unfortunately, the default SVN client didn't work in the SVN Repository perspective. In Windows menu > Preferences, Team/SVN item, I notice that the Client list is empty under "SVN interface" section. That should be the cause of the problem that the SVN client is not set. Any suggestions?
(12.08.2015 at 16:57)
It worked for me without any problems to get the JavaHL client. After manually installing the SVNKit client as well, its also listed in the interfaces:
(24.08.2015 at 15:05)
Reguel Werme... ♦♦
I installed the complete SVNKit from the same software site, same version, but, at the end, my SVN interface client list is still empty. Probably the multiples retries I did previously has broken something. I plan to start from an original distribution and install again. I will post the result here when done. Thanks anyway.
(24.08.2015 at 17:02)
I installed 1.5.7 from scratch and updated all Subclipse (except integration with Mylyn) and SVNKit items. Unchecked "Contact all..." item. After restart, I finally have the SVN client JavaHL 1.8.14. So thanks for you help.
(31.08.2015 at 10:24)
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Asked: 11.08.2015 at 17:43
Seen: 3,893 times
Last updated: 31.08.2015 at 10:24