I want to start a Rich Dialog asynchronously from a proces into an existing window. To do this I need to provide the window ID in the option "...an existing window with ID".

So, how can I get the window ID of a dialog?

asked 29.11.2011 at 11:49

Katharina%20Kaczmarczyk's gravatar image

Katharina Ka...
accept rate: 0%

You can use the following call in a Rich Dialog logic:


Attention, this not Public API but unfortunately the only way to get the Window ID.

Please see Issue 18447 which requests a Public API for the window ID.


answered 01.12.2011 at 10:37

Reto%20Weiss's gravatar image

Reto Weiss ♦♦
accept rate: 74%

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Asked: 29.11.2011 at 11:49

Seen: 7,333 times

Last updated: 29.11.2011 at 11:49