
I am trying to load a custom font-face on the portal, but it does not load properly. I edited the font-faces.scss file and added my font, also the files are located properly on the system. However the font does not load. alt text

alt text

Then in the customization.scss I tried to edit the $fontFamily variable and even manually set the font, but again it doesn't work. It just falls back to Helvetica, because it doesn't load the font files. alt text

Any help is appreciated. :)

P.S. I compiled the sass with maven and all my changes take effect except for the font-face.

asked 20.12.2019 at 02:12

xchatter's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi there, As I see you defined font-family in @font-face is "HelveticaW01-Roman". But you set "Helvetica W01 Roman" for $fontFamily and body font-family. Please check and use exactly the name as you defined in @font-face.


answered 20.12.2019 at 03:31

Hai%20Tran's gravatar image

Hai Tran
accept rate: 100%


I changed it and it worked. The download with the font came this way as example and working. 0_o Very strange.

Thanks! :)

(20.12.2019 at 04:30) xchatter xchatter's gravatar image

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Asked: 20.12.2019 at 02:12

Seen: 1,602 times

Last updated: 20.12.2019 at 04:30