Hi all,

Is it possible another web to redirect to a task in axon ivy? What I mean is, I have start task url generated (http://localhost:8081/ivy/pro/designer/Project$1/16E8DF16E2CAE91C/16E8DF16E2CAE91C-f2/TaskA.iot?taskId=7) When the external web app redirects to this link what I get is : Dialog instance with id ...is not available any more. Just the link itself works perfectly. Also, can we pass a parameter in the task start url (?taskId=123&parameter=something)? I know that this is possible where we start a process but is it possible to do so for a task?



asked 28.11.2019 at 04:03

a_v_a's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


You are talking about which version of ivy? Is it about Offline Html Dialogs with User Task element?

(02.12.2019 at 06:07) SupportIvyTeam ♦♦ SupportIvyTeam's gravatar image

I am talking about Ivy 7.4. It is not about Offline Dialogs. I tried with just a Task and User Dialog elements, I tried with User Task only, I got the same result "Dialog instance with id ...is not available any more"... Thanks

(03.12.2019 at 03:38) a_v_a a_v_a's gravatar image

Yes it is possible, but it seems that your link is not correct. As the error said the dialog was not found. How did you generate this link?

(05.12.2019 at 09:52) Lukas Lieb ♦♦ Lukas%20Lieb's gravatar image

How to pass the parameters to the task then, and more precisely how to do the mapping to the process data?

(06.12.2019 at 05:04) a_v_a a_v_a's gravatar image

It seems that we facing a similar issue in our newest version (8.0). May it was already part of 7.4.

(06.12.2019 at 05:47) Lukas Lieb ♦♦ Lukas%20Lieb's gravatar image

Hi @a_v_a

It looks as the SameSite cookie policy is the reason of these 'dialog instance not available' errors.


Set the sameSite cookie policy to 'lax' to allow links from remote websites to work with the same session in dialogs.

  1. go to [ivy-product]/webapps/ivy/META-INF/context.xml
  2. uncomment the 'cookie processor' definition line
  3. set the sameSiteCookies attribute from strict to lax.
  4. reboot the engine, errors will be gone.

alt text


This policy was introduced with 7.4. So 8.0.0 is affected as well, but will receive a fix with 8.0.1. This issue is tracked as bug XIVY-3476.


answered 10.12.2019 at 06:05

Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

Reguel Werme... ♦♦
accept rate: 70%

edited 10.12.2019 at 06:49

Thank you! :)

(10.12.2019 at 06:35) a_v_a a_v_a's gravatar image

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Asked: 28.11.2019 at 04:03

Seen: 2,689 times

Last updated: 10.12.2019 at 06:49