With web page elements we can use ivy.html.menu to construct a combo box in the page. With Select options from attribute we can set a process data member to define the content.

Which data type must this be and how I have to provide the data if I want that the display value and the return value are not the same? For example if I want to display a nice user firendly string but I want to return the corresponding database ID?

asked 26.05.2011 at 09:32

Johann%20H%C3%B6lzl's gravatar image

Johann Hölzl
accept rate: 0%

You should use a record set attribute for this. The value in the first colum is used for the return value, the values in the second column are used for displaying.

So, in your case fill the database ID in the first column and your nice user friendly string in the second column.


answered 26.05.2011 at 11:53

Bruno%20B%C3%BCtler's gravatar image

Bruno Bütler
accept rate: 68%

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Asked: 26.05.2011 at 09:32

Seen: 2,177 times

Last updated: 26.05.2011 at 09:32